Thursday, February 5, 2009

So here's the deal

I've just decided to transfer my random writings of old into an actual blog, in the hopes that it actually spurs me to write a bit more. I'm a spectacular writer and I think the world (or what tiny portion of it may visit here) needs to have some of me in it (sexual innuendo, score!). What are my plans you ask? Why, good question honorable sir or ma'am! I'd be delighted to explain my incoherent and wanton ways to you.

First, I'm just using this as a creative outlet. This will likely be the only post I ever make that has a bit of sense in it, so just get used to the ramblings of a lunatic. I need a place to mentally rock out with my cock out so to speak. That is correct, my brain is so developed that it has created its own reproductive organ, and is seeking a way to have sex with other brains. My brain can't afford to be tied down to just one other brain though, so he brings protection to the gang bang.

Second, I truly enjoy World of Warcraft on a lot of different levels. It's mentally stimulating (which should give you a new image now knowing I have a brain penis) if you look deeper into the math and mechanics, it's a great social setting, and it's one of the best designed games to date. I've been looking to write about my thoughts on WoW, and I finally decided to get around to it.

Third... right. I don't think I have a third reason. How about this: to open everyone's eyes to how amazing I am, and how my personal take on life and its ridiculousness is the right and only way to view it. Yes, that sounds good. Hot damn I'm a modest sonuvabitch.

There you have it. My writing is generally like word porn, so it's best that you keep it in your pants. I'm not responsible for you getting ejaculate all over your monitor.

Side note/question: Have you ever ejaculated so much you think you lost weight?

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