Thursday, February 5, 2009

Time travel and lazerz PEW PEW

I was at work when I started thinking about time travel in general. I dunno if it's even possible, but it's something insane to think about. Think about all the things in your life you'd go back and change. What would happen if you changed one of those things and it led to your accidental death 5 minutes later? That would suck. Makes you worry about trying to change your past, huh? I know it bothered me. I wish there were things about my past I could change, but I think that would change where, who, and what I am today. Personally, I like me an awful lot, and so does everyone else ever, so I'd rather not change that based on something accidental.

Now, knowing that anything in your past could very well change everything you are, would you still do it? If I don't like you very much, I'd highly recommend it, hoping that you run your car into a tree, but that's just me (and my opinion counts for more than yours). But annoying people aside, I think this is a valid question, and an even more pertinent topic for discussion. Unfortunately, the discussion is one sided. I talk, you listen, you become amazed at my thought provoking writings, then buy me a hooker. Yeah, that's how it goes.

Change any small event in your life, and not too terribly much happens, right? Start changing more and more though, and I think the person you are/would be begins to deteriorate. It's not a single event that defines your life (unless you happens to be named Julius Caesar. Way to get stabbed buddy, you changed history) but rather the events in their entirety. Everything that you have experienced just so happens to make you who you are. For the most of you reading this, I can honestly say that's a good thing. For the rest of you not included in the "most" part, I hope you choke.

What I'm trying to sum myself up to is that we shouldn't go looking back on our life with disdain, but rather a bit of joy. Sure, you made an ass of yourself that one time, and you pooped your pants another, maybe you should have worn a condom, or probably not sold your baby on the black market, but who cares? You should be proud of what you've done, not because of the moral right or wrongness of the action, but because it shaped you into a decent person. Unless you're not a decent person, like myself. Then you're boned.

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